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The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry in your body.
— Dr. Bruce Lipton

Experience a PACKAGE OF SESSIONS with Carol Christina and CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!

Carol Christina Tozer is a specialized healing expert with Advanced Certification in NeuroCognitive Reprogramming™, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy®, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Creating Your Future®, GNM, and much more…

Carol lives along the beautiful Miramichi River in New Brunswick, Canada. Since her five children have grown, she decided nurturing was still important to her, so she welcomed a new puppy into her life.

Carol has overcome pain and struggles including miscarriage, divorce, loss, abuse, health issues, anxiety, and much more. The dark experiences were the catalysts that led to profound healing, and to learning valuable knowledge about healing. Fortunately, her journey introduced her to incredible science that proves the biological connection between emotional conflicts and both physical and mental health conditions. She studies and takes courses and training at every opportunity.

Me and a Dog Named Boo

From playing school as a child, to homeschooling her own children, to educating her clients with the wisdom they need to recover and thrive, Carol has always been a natural teacher.

She enjoys nature and wildlife. She has even been spotted babywearing an orphaned baby raccoon in a sling. She also delights in photographing beautiful scenery and wildlife.

Carol’s favorite hobby is dancing and singing in the front row at concerts. One time, she attended an 80’s fav “Honeymoon Suite” concert. She said out loud to her friends that she could get on stage. Within one minute, the lead singer called her up to join the band in singing and dancing to “Stay in the Light”. Following the path of most excitement definitely leads to delightful high-vibe synchronicities.

If you are being drawn to live in the light, this unique approach will help you uncover the truth of who you really are.