Package Add-Ons
Highly Recommended
(Each topic an extra $97.00 CAD)
GNM for each Physical Problem
Values Levels Questionnaire & Education
Understanding Partner’s Brain
Parenting Improvement
Advanced Goal Setting
Take-Home Hypnosis
Childbirth Hypnosis
Law of Attraction
and lots more…
Highly Recommended
(Each topic an extra $97.00 CAD)
GNM for each Physical Problem
Values Levels Questionnaire & Education
Understanding Partner’s Brain
Parenting Improvement
Advanced Goal Setting
Take-Home Hypnosis
Childbirth Hypnosis
Law of Attraction
and lots more…
Highly Recommended
(Each topic an extra $97.00 CAD)
GNM for each Physical Problem
Values Levels Questionnaire & Education
Understanding Partner’s Brain
Parenting Improvement
Advanced Goal Setting
Take-Home Hypnosis
Childbirth Hypnosis
Law of Attraction
and lots more…